Where is Democracy today?

To paraphrase Mort Sahl: There were four million people in the American colonies in 1776 and we had giants like Franklin, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison and Monroe. (Monroe was 19). These were men who led the opposition to a ruthless dictator’s powerful military machine, the greatest power the world had ever known, and they won. Now the United States has a population of 350 million, and we’re left to choose between a delusional old man who brags about becoming a dictator and an even older man who some think is too old, but who at least believes in rules.

Coconut Island must be preserved

As I see it – What type of faith do you need now?

There are several definitions of faith, Mark Twain defined it humorously as belief in something you know ain’t true. Archie Bunker went a little cruder: Belief in something no one in his right mind would believe. Philosopher Bertrand Russel came closest though: Belief in something for which there is no evidence. I suggest it might be slightly sharpened to: Belief in something for which there is no proof. Many see the beauty of nature or other marvelous events as evidence there must be a god. Others see the existence of prejudice, hate and cruelty as contradictions. A man hears what he wants to hear.

As I See It – Sounding the alarm on our warning systems

El Camino Real, The Royal Road (a foot trail) connected the Spanish Mission plantations on the west coast of Mexico, now partly California. The natives were worked to death in exchange for salvation. In places, roads and state highways that parallel the path are called El Camino Real, or El Camino Real Highway. Bells about a mile apart served as a security measure. Someone who was injured, or attacked could attempt to reach the nearest bell and ring it to summon help. I don’t know if it ever really worked. It might have summoned more bandits. Travel was really dangerous before the railroads; armed guards were a good idea.

Biden ‘globally embarrassed’ nation