The rest of Parker’s debate team members will compete for the remaining state qualifying positions at the Big Island District Debate Tournament in March. Rotary takes applications for three scholarships ADVERTISING The Rotary Club of Kona Community Foundation is accepting
Rotary takes applications for three scholarships
The Rotary Club of Kona Community Foundation is accepting scholarship applications from West Hawaii public and private high school seniors for three scholarships.
The $4,000 Jim and Sis Bedingfield Scholarship is paid out in four annual installments and the $8,000 Ken and Marge Clewett Scholarship is paid out in four annual installments. Eligible students for either scholarship are generally those who would have difficulty continuing their education without some type of financial assistance. Candidates are evaluated on five areas: scholastic and academic achievement; leadership, personal involvement on campus; community service and activities; extracurricular activities, employment experience; and financial need.
The $1,000 Ron and Kathy Hawkes Vocational Scholarship is paid out in two annual installments. Students planning to attend a vocational/trade school are invited to apply for the scholarship.
Applications for any of the above scholarships are available from any school guidance counselor or by contacting Peggy Peckham at 326-1101. The deadline for submitting applications is March 30.
For more information about the foundation and how to support it with a tax-deductible contribution, contact Gretchen I. Watson-Kabei at 324-6509.
Shin Buddhists can apply for scholarship
Shin Buddhists are invited to apply for the Richard and Eleanor Imai Shin Buddhist Scholarship. This year, three $2,000 each scholarships will be awarded to help students meet the cost of education at any accredited university, college or vocational/technical post-secondary school in the U.S. and it possessions.
Applicants must currently be high school seniors residing on the Big Island, and their parents members or the student a member of a Hongwanji.
Judging will be based on as essay on the topic, “Why I Recite the Nembutsu,” participation in temple activities, school and community involvement, and high school transcript showing academic progress of the past seven semesters.
Applications must be received by the Hilo Betsuin by April 2, or postmarked on or prior to April 2. Visit for an application.
For more information, contact Joe Tanaka at 961-6677.
Savella earns spot on Loyola dean’s list
Isaac Savella of Kealakekua earned a spot on the Loyola Marymount University dean’s list for the fall semester.
Students named to the dean’s list have completed 15 semester hours at the school and earned a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or better. Additionally, a student must have completed all of his or her courses and never received an F in any course.
Located between the Pacific Ocean and downtown Los Angeles, Loyola Marymount is a comprehensive university offering 56 major programs, 38 master’s degrees and a doctoral degree in education from four colleges, two schools and Loyola Law School.
Kealakehe Intermediate council meets Tuesday
Kealakehe Intermediate School parents and concerned community members are invited to the school community council meeting beginning at 5 p.m. Tuesday in the school library’s workroom.
On the agenda are an update on the budget, implementation of response to intervention for school year 2012-13 and sharing of current Hawaii State Assessment data from tests completed.
Kealakehe High council sets public hearing
Kealakehe High’s School Community Council will host its annual public hearing at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the school library. The purpose is to hear from the public any comments or proposed changes to school policies and school procedures for the 2012-13 school year.
The format will allow testimony to items on the agenda first, and then those who wish to address additional items will be allowed to speak. A couple of agenda items that have surfaced are: revisiting the electronic use and grading policies and addressing the elimination of the “D” and addition of an “I” (incomplete) to the grading system. Testimony will be limited to two minutes per person or group represented by a speaker; there will be no discussion. Written testimony will be accepted prior to the meeting via email ( or fax (327-4307, Attn: Parent-Community Center).
This hearing is an opportunity for parent, student, teacher and community input. Decisions on school policies for next year will be made at the April School Community Council meeting.
For further information, contact Linda Jeffrey, Parent-Community Center, at 327-4300, ext. 2432.
Olinares to attend national youth summit
Joselyn Olinares of Kailua-Kona, a student at Kealakehe High School, has been selected to represent Hawaii as a national youth delegate at the 2012 Washington Youth Summit on the Environment at George Mason University in June.
Olinares has been awarded the opportunity to join a select group of 250 students from across the country to participate in an intensive weeklong study of leadership in environmental science and conservation. Olinares was chosen based on academic accomplishments and a demonstrated interest and excellence in leadership in the sciences and conservation studies.
Art of Recycling competition slated
Recycle Hawaii has announced the times, dates and locations for submitting items for its seventh annual Art of Recycling School Competition, which is open to students ages 6 to 18 years.
A student may enter one individual art piece made from recycled or reusable materials at the appropriate district site on:
— April 6, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., Kona International Market in Kailua-Kona for the west district of Kailua-Kona to Naalehu,
— April 13, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., Waimea Art Council’s Firehouse Gallery in Waimea for the north district of Laupahoehoe to Waikoloa; and
— April 21, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Keaau Recycling and Reuse Center in the Keaau Transfer Station for the east district of Pahala to Hilo/Papaikou.
Original creations made in school or at home must address one or more theme: reduce, reuse, recycle; island sustainability; preserving/protecting Hawaii’s natural environment; or zero waste.
Entries are judged on originality, theme, personal expression, execution of materials and artistic merit. Prizes are awarded to first, second and third place winners for individual and group (by two or more students) categories in elementary, middle and high school levels (grades are judged together for each level). Winners are announced and awards presented at each district reception open to the public.
Schools may submit up to 10 pieces of art work and should register by March 24.
For more information including registration and entry forms, visit and click on Art of Recycling.
Bonn, Shimizu win essay contest
Two students, seventh-grader Rachel Bonn and eighth-grader Hannah Shimizu from West Hawaii Explorations Academy, have won an essay contest sponsored by Kona Japanese Civic Association. They will go to Shizuoka, Japan, in March as environmental ambassadors representing the next generation from this island.
In Japan, Bonn and Shimizu will meet the governor and put on a PowerPoint presentation regarding Hawaiian culture, as well as teach hula to a group of seniors and exchange knowledge about environmental issues affecting both Japan and Hawaii.
Tarnas takes first at state debate tourney
Parker School senior Jesse Tarnas brought home the first place trophy in the Championship Lincoln-Douglas category from the Iolani Debate State Qualifying Tournament on Oahu.
Tarnas and 19 of his debate teammates flew to Honolulu on Feb. 17 to compete in the two-day tournament against 15 other schools, including Punahou, Iolani and Kamehameha.
Four other Parker students also earned trophies and qualified to compete in the state finals in April. Seniors Thomas Baldwin and Tyler Saito came in fourth place in Advanced Public Forum, and Savannah Blankenship and Darnee Brighter, both sophomores, earned fourth in Beginning Public Forum.
Sophomores Marie Jobes and Lysha Matsunobu, and juniors Paul Gregg, Elliott Jacobson and Emilie Skladzien previously qualified for the state finals.
The rest of Parker’s debate team members will compete for the remaining state qualifying positions at the Big Island District Debate Tournament in March.