Calendar of upcoming events
Friday, March 3, 2014 11:00 am
• Kealakekua Public Library movie screening of “Ferdinand,” 3-4:50 p.m. Beverages may be brought in closed containers. Free. Info: 323-7585.
• Kailua-Kona Seniors meeting, 10 a.m. at Hale Halawai. Easter Egg-stravaganza, decorated hats, fashion parade and more. Info: Joan, 329-1951.
• The Kona Crime Prevention Committee honors Adam Robergas as KCPC officer of the month for his outstanding performance as a member of the Hawaii Police Department. Huggo’s Restaurant, 12:30 p.m., with guest speaker Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Dale Ross. Luncheon cost $20. Reservations: 443-7708.
• Rotary Club of Kona Sunrise meeting, 7 a.m. above Humpy’s Restaurant, with guest speaker Wendy Laros, executive director of the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce. Info: Donna Urban-Higuchi, 938-5137.
• Mele O Kona, a prospective chorus of Sweet Adelines International, is looking for women of all ages who love to sing! They sing 4-part a cappella harmony, barbershop style. No musical knowledge or ability to read music is required. Rehearsals are 6-8 p.m. at Hualalai Regency. Info: Linda Rowand, 464-6135; or Barbara Cushman, 937-4518.
• VFW Post 12122 activities committee meeting, 10:30 a.m. at the VFW post located behind Kona Locksmith off Kaiwi Street.
• Kealakehe Elementary School hosts Literacy Fest, a community celebration of literacy, 5-7 p.m. at 74-5118 Kealakaa Street in Kailua-Kona. Scholastic Book Fair, read-alouds by community members, poetry dramatization, literacy games, reader’s theatre, a used book giveaway, pizza and more.
• West Hawaii Hui Laulima will meet 10:30 a.m. to noon at The Salvation Army, 75-223 Kalani, Kailua-Kona (across from the Church of Latter-day Saints). Public attendance is welcomed to hear guest speakers from the West Hawaii Community Health Center and Habitat for Humanity. Info: Linda Jeffrey, or 989-4241.
• VFW Post 12122 $7 meal is onion burgers, potato chips and dessert, service 5-7 p.m. All veterans and their family and guests are welcome and encouraged to join. Info: Don Zero, (509) 879-1040.
• Kona Orchid Society monthly meeting, 5:30 p.m. at Makua Lani Academy, 74-4966 Kealakaa St. Swap small orchid divisions and enjoy a potluck dinner, bring something to share. Info: Stephanie, 987-2821.
• An “Evening of Peace,” with instructed meditation, potluck, and showing of “Walk With Me – A Journey into Mindfulness,” exploring the spirit and life of the Buddhist community founded by Thich Nhat Hanh. Hawaiian Queen Coffee Garden, 75-1048 Henry St., Kailua-Kona 5-8 p.m. Participants are asked to bring a vegetarian dish to share. RSVPs to will be most appreciated.
• The Kailua-Kona Public Library hosts Guy Cellier, with more than 10 years experience growing vanilla orchids in Kona, sharing growing techniques from his vanillerie, 10 a.m. Info: 327-4327.
• The Kailua-Kona Public Library presents a workshop on managing grandfamily stress, 2-3 p.m. Learn stress-management strategies, meet other grandfamilies, and learn about GRANDcares and how it can support you and your grandchildren. Info: 327-4327.
• Dances of Universal Peace, 6-7:30 p.m. at New Thought Center in Kealakekua. Moving in the moment while singing sacred phrases of the myriad of spiritual traditions that grace the Earth. Info: Swami Om, 323-3344.
• Michael Donenberg, an ordained brother in Teacher Hanh’s Order of Interbeing speaks on Meeting your True Self, 10-11:30 a.m. at the New Thought Center, 81-6587 Mamalahoa Highway in Kealakekua.
• Senior ID card giveaway, 10-12 p.m., Kohala CSE Old Bank of Hawai’i Building, Kohala. Info: 889-6502.
• P.E.O. Luncheon for members and guests, 11:30 a.m. at Foster’s Kitchen. Call Connie at 326-1868 for reservations by Friday, April 6.
* April 10
• Senior ID card giveaway, 9-11 a.m., Lily Yoshimatsu Senior Center, Waimea. Info: 887-3008.
• Senior ID card giveaway, 9-12 p.m., Walmart, Kona. Info: 323-4320.
• Soroptimist International of Kona meeting, 5:30-7 p.m. at the West Hawaii Community Health Center conference room. Non-members are welcome, please RSVP to Paula Wilson at 329-3403.
* APRIL 11
• Kailua-Kona Seniors meeting at Hale Halawai. Bingo, board games, and a celebration of April birthdays. Info: Joan, 329-1951.
• Mele O Kona, a prospective chorus of Sweet Adelines International, is looking for women of all ages who love to sing! They sing 4-part a cappella harmony, barbershop style. No musical knowledge or ability to read music is required. Rehearsals are 6-8 p.m. at Hualalai Regency. Info: Linda Rowand, 464-6135; or Barbara Cushman, 937-4518.
• American Legion Kona Post 20 and American Legion Auxiliary meeting, 3:30 p.m. for officers, 4 p.m. for general membership, at the Privateer’s Cove Restaurant located at the corner of Kaiwi and Luhia Streets on Kaiwi Square. Info: Jum Hussey, 464-4341 or (706) 589-0387.
• The Kealakekua Public Library hosts Jana Bogs, presenting a program on growing organic foods in your own garden, with double the nutrient content, 5 p.m. at the library. A portion of her book sales will be donated to the Friends of the Libraries, Kona. Info: 323-7585.
* APRIL 12
• Kona Traffic Safety Committee meeting, 4:30-6 p.m. to discuss traffic issues with public officials who can make a difference. Everyone is welcome. Mayor’s Conference Room, West Hawaii Community Center, Kealakakehe Parkway, building C above the DMV.
* April 13
• ILWU retirees are invited to join the Kona ILWU Pension Club for a meeting on the second Friday of each month providing information and social events. For information, including venue and time, call Alvin Auhana Akina at 325-6799.
• Recycle better and more with Recycle Hawaii’s outreach educator, Marsha Hee. Recycling and reusing is an educational, fun way to reduce our waste stream while helping to protect and conserve our natural resources, 4 p.m. Kealakekua Public Library.
• The West Hawaii Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind offers a Low Vision Resource Fair, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Hale Halawai, 76-622 Alii Drive. Find out what resources are available for those with vision loss or who are blind. Info: or Betty at 329-5519.
• Learn to recycle better and more with Recycle Hawaii’s outreach educator, Marsha Hee, 4 p.m. at the Kealakekua Public Library. Info: or
* April 14
• Recycle better and more with Recycle Hawaii’s outreach educator, Marsha Hee. Recycling and reusing is an educational, fun way to reduce our waste stream while helping to protect and conserve our natural resources, 11 a.m. Kailua-Kona Public Library.
• West Hawaii Master Gardeners present Garden Success in Hawaii, 9 a.m. to noon at the county extension office, featuring plant sales, Q&A, demo gardens, kids activities and more. A free tomato plant for every family that attends. Info: 322-4895.
• Waimea Athletics Family Fun Day, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Waimea District Park Gym. Carnival games, food, arts &crafts, face painting, obstacle course and more. Benefit for DNA (FRO Hawaii) Basketball Academy. Info: Noe,
• American Legion Post 20 Adopt-A-Highway trash pick-up 6 a.m. at the entrance of Pualani Estates on the intersection of Puapuaanui Street and Queen Kaahumanu Highway. Info: Jum Hussey, 464-4341 or (706) 589-0387.
• Learn to recycle better and more with Recycle Hawaii’s outreach educator, Marsha Hee, 11 a.m. at the Kailua-Kona Public Library. Info: or
* April 16
• The “How to Talk So Kids Will Listen” curriculum will be facilitated by Erika Empey at the Neighborhood Place of Kona, 75-166 Kalani St. Ste 104, Kailua-Kona, starting April 16. The class is once a week, for six weeks. Noon to 1 p.m. Info: 331-8777 to register.
• The Whisky &Poetry Salon makes its Hawaii debut, 6:30-9:30 p.m. for an evening of spirits and words at Gertrude’s Jazz Bar. Feature poet is local storyteller/pidgin poet Bradajo (a.k.a. Jozuf Handley), and whisky ambassador Kim Ohanneson will present six distinctive whiskies paired with tasting education. All guests are asked to bring a poem, original or not, to read in a candlelit circle of fellow poetry lovers. Tickets, Info: Kim Ohanneson,
* APRIL 17
• Kupuna Singles dinner, 5:30 p.m. at Orchid Thai. Info: 339-7397.
* April 18
• Senior ID card giveaway, 1-3 p.m., Hale Hauoli Senior Center, Honokaa. Info: 775-7503.
• Kailua-Kona Seniors free movie day at the Civic Center, 10 a.m., all seniors 55 and up are invited. Based on a true story, “Victoria and Abdullah” stars Judy Dench. No meeting at Hale Halawai this week. Info: Kelly, 323-4340.
• Mele O Kona, a prospective chorus of Sweet Adelines International, is looking for women of all ages who love to sing! They sing 4-part a cappella harmony, barbershop style. No musical knowledge or ability to read music is required. Rehearsals are 6-8 p.m. at Hualalai Regency. Info: Linda Rowand, 464-6135; or Barbara Cushman, 937-4518.
• Lai Opua 2020 and Villages of Lai Opua Association, County of Hawaii, State Judiciary and regional stakeholders informational meeting to review regional development and planning initiatives, 9 a.m. at the Hawaii County Civic Center Building G. Registration at 8:30 a.m. Refreshments will be served. Info: 327-1221 or email
* APRIL 21
• Come celebrate National Park Week at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park through April 29. This year’s events include a nighttime star party, guided hikes that reveal our “star” trails, ranger-led adventures and more. All fee-charging national parks are free today, including Volcanoes, Puuhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park in Kona, and Haleakalā National Park on Maui.
• Aloha Quilters of Kona monthly meeting, 9:30 a.m. at the Emma building, Christ Church in Kealakekua. Info: Eileen, 328-8027.
* APRIL 24
• DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife is seeking input and comments on proposed updates to rules regulating activities within Hawaii’s Forest Reserve System. 4:30-8 p.m., West Hawaii Civic Center, Community Meeting Hale, 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Highway, Kailua-Kona. Info: or
* APRIL 25
• Senior ID card giveaway, 9-12 p.m., West Hawaii Civic Center – Building B, Kona. Info: 323-4320.
• Kailua-Kona Seniors meeting at Hale Halawai. Bring your Food Facts, your stories of food likes and dislikes, both funny and serious. Info: Joan, 329-1951.
• Mele O Kona, a prospective chorus of Sweet Adelines International, is looking for women of all ages who love to sing! They sing 4-part a cappella harmony, barbershop style. No musical knowledge or ability to read music is required. Rehearsals are 6-8 p.m. at Hualalai Regency. Info: Linda Rowand, 464-6135; or Barbara Cushman, 937-4518.
* APRIL 30
• AARP driver safety class to be held on Monday April 30, 2018, 1-5 p.m. at the Palisades Rec Center at 73-1073 Kaiminani Drive. Avaliable to AARP members for $15, non-members for $20. Please arrive before 1 and bring your driver’s license, AARP card and payment. Info: George Kerker, 333-5512 or 895-2925.
* MAY 3
• Kupuna Singles lunch, 11 a.m. at Rebel Kitchen. Info: 326-1288.
* MAY 5
• Neighborhood Place of Kona and Kona Commons Shopping Center host Celebrating Ohana, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the former Sports Authority location. Booths, keiki activities, inflatable maze, rock climbing and more. Info: 331-8777.
* MAY 15
• Kupuna Singles dinner, 5 p.m. at Quinn’s. Info: 640-7665.
* MAY 19
• Play with a Vet Golf Tournament at Makalei golf course. Contact Pat Pastor, 990-3841, for pre-registrations.
* MAY 31
• Kupuna Singles happy hour, 3 p.m. at Foster’s Kitchen. Info: 322-9098.
* JUNE 19
• Kupuna Singles dinner, 5:30 p.m. at the Canoe Club. Info: 329-5163.