Old adage true:
Can’t please ‘em all
I enjoy reading West Hawaii Today (as I have for over 25 years.) One of the sections I look forward to is the Op-Ed page.
It’s interesting that some folks complain about the “hate,” or anti-Trumpism, that’s featured. At least three of the regular columnists are of the conservative bent and it is often these three with the most critical essays about the current president. One is even self-identified as an evangelical.
Should we assume these three are somehow not telling the truth about what they see happening to the country, under this presidency? It’s important that the news be balanced, but if the president himself is imbalanced, should our daily newspaper omit or ignore or sugarcoat this? All the columnists and the letters to the editor section are important to our community. Keep’em coming.
Phyllis Hanson
Project perks waste of money
You might be wondering what has happened to those scarce dollars needed to upgrade our hospital, educate our children, address the housing and homeless issue, or perhaps aid disaster victims in Puna. What’s happened to those dollars is that they are going to pay for the landscaping of the someday to be completed highway to the airport.
This landscaping, not to be confused with planting, consists of hauled-in a’a lava rock, arranged to appear as though Madam Pele had placed it there herself, and, of course, it will be painfully obvious she didn’t.
Aside from being a grim and cruelly ironic portrayal of the predicament facing our neighbors to the east, this fake lava flow will be a degrading affront to cultural sensitivities and to the aesthetics of who and what we are.
The obvious approach to dressing the highway median would be to allow for the fountain grass to reclaim it as it has along the shoulders – which is what will happen anyway.
So let’s not go through the next decade battling that certain inevitability with another drain on the budget for pesticide application, and let’s put our dollars toward something real instead.
Kelly Greenwell
Abortion is wrong, period.
I know abortion is because everybody’s life is valuable. Abortion is not right. Babies don’t get to say no, you’re not going to kill me or anything. How would you like to be killed when you’re a baby? And you couldn’t do anything about it. Babies don’t get to stand up for themselves.
Exodus 20:13 says thou shall not kill. Babies are just as important as anyone. When you do an abortion, you are disobeying God and he probably isn’t going to be too happy about that.
Lastly, that baby killed will never have another chance to live life again. How would you like to skip life? Sure, there are bad times in life, but there are also a lot of great times. When you are about to do something, just think how you would feel if it were going to happen to you. That is how babies feel when abortion happens to them.
Emery Kate Baker