Guard troops pour into Washington as states answer the call

WASHINGTON — By the busload and planeload, National Guard troops were pouring into the nation’s capital on Saturday, as governors answered the urgent pleas of U.S. defense officials for more troops to help safeguard Washington even as they keep anxious eyes on possible violent protests in their own states.

Law enforcement on watch for armed protests

Hawaii law enforcement officials are on watch following an FBI warning that extremists who support President Donald Trump could stage armed protests in Washington, D.C., and in all 50 state capitals when President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated Wednesday.

Hawaii Ulu Cooperative wants to see breadfruit on your plate

On a recent visit to the Hawaii Ulu Cooperative, I was struck by the wealth of information that employees Rebekah Zornes and Chelsea Edinger offered. They work in order fulfillment and sales and are excited about the coop and their products. We perused their large freezers and refrigerators full of their main crop, breadfruit, but also stocked with sweet potatoes, kabocha squash, taro and avocados.

Global warming means palms in surprising places

A visit to Hawaii is the treat of a lifetime to millions of people a year, and many folks who come are friends or relatives of those of us who live here. One of the highlights for them is to experience the lush tropical gardens and forests that are unlike any place in the continental United States.