Stosh Thompson’s Palmerium

In addition to his palm garden, Stosh also maintains a fruit orchard with more than 20 different trees. (Stosh Thompson/Special to West Hawaii Today)

Maintaining a palm garden takes lots of work from installation to cultivation and maintenance. (Beverly Phillips/Special to West Hawaii Today)

The zebra striped trunk of the Caryota zebrina make it one of the interesting palm specimens in Stosh’s palm garden. (Stosh Thompson/Special to West Hawaii Today)

Top: Maintaining a palm garden takes lots of work from installation to cultivation and maintenance. Above: The Bismarkia nobilis is a striking specimen found in Stosh’s palm collection. (Beverly Phillips/Special to West Hawaii Today)

The yellow crownshaft and green stripes on the trunk make this Clinostigma samoense a very attractive addition to Stosh’s Palmarium. (Stosh Thompson/Special to West Hawaii Today)

The symmetry and color of this palm makes this Carpoxylon macrospermum one of Stosh’s favorites. (Stosh Thompson/Special to West Hawaii Today)

Locals as well as tourists come to Stosh Thompson’s palm garden to learn more about this interesting and beautiful plant species. (Stosh Thompson/Special to West Hawaii Today)

Stosh imparts lots of his palm knowledge at tours of his Palmarium. (Beverly Phillips/Special to West Hawaii Today)

To call Stosh Thompson a palm enthusiast would be an understatement. During our meeting, I realized that palms are his passion. He loves them, which is evidenced by his 1-acre palm garden filled with over 180 different palm species. He calls the collection his Palmarium.