It is déjà vu all over again
The recent reports on how the state Legislature will “again focus on illegal fireworks,” a renewed clash between the Hawaii Tourism Authority and the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism over salaries and budgeting, a replay of the affordable housing crisis doublespeak, and the Board of Land and Natural Resources’ latest eye-rolling incompetence — are all nothing new for the new year.
Regarding problems with illegal fireworks, the Legislature plans to “reintroduce” laws that have been disregarded and not enforced. For decades.
At least one genius noted that “… there’s more that can be done on the enforcement side.”
The claim that “tragedy tests resolve” to beef up inadequate fireworks laws is funny … not funny while we had a pack of vicious dogs kill a Puna man on a neighborhood street last year — and the negligent, reckless dog owners got only a slap on the wrist.
But by all means, let’s create yet another toothless task force (number three?) to crack down on illegal fireworks.
Meanwhile, over at HTA they’re busy begging DBEDT for more money to perpetuate dependence on the unsustainable tourist industry that has exacerbated the lack of affordable housing. Wasn’t the so-called “crackdown” on illegal STVRs (read: more unenforced laws) supposed to help solve the housing crisis? How’s that working out?
Never mind, let’s just keep spending millions to attract more tourists from Japan and California.
Finally, the fiasco that is BLNR grows more ludicrous every year.
“Nobody was looking” at the matter of the deteriorating Aloha Petroleum property when the lease expired last May. Who exactly was supposed to be looking? Any employer in their right mind would be looking for some folks that need firing right about now.
Einstein’s definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Sound familiar?
Sylvia Dahlby
A very important
lesson from history
Due to the gradual dissolution of local newspapers across the country, I would like to get some last thoughts in before it might happen here.
I think this paper has usually done a fairly balanced job of allowing different views of most issues. However, some forces today seem to have an urge to suppress the free press and even go so far as to question scientific facts.
And then there is the attack on “woke.” This is hard to believe. Do they even know what it means?
So, would a synonym for anti-woke be willfully ignorant?
I’m starting to understand what the ordinary citizen of Germany must have been going through some 90 years ago when the book burning was going on. Are we forgetting what that led to?
Jeffrey Fendentz
Mountain View