HPD celebrates 100th Police Recruit Class
Thirteen police recruits became solo officers following the Hawaii Police Department’s 100th Police Recruit Class ceremony on Friday, Jan. 31, in Hilo at the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel Moku Ola Ballroom.
Each new officer had their badge pinned on by a loved one during the ceremony, which was limited to police personnel, guest speakers and family members of the recruits.
The 100th Police Recruit Class began their training on April 1, 2024. They started off as strangers with a variety of backgrounds and career paths. The class completed six months of academic training on Sept. 30, 2024.
After academic training, they moved on to four months of field training under the guidance of veteran officers. With recruit training complete, they will now move forward to solo assignment in the South Hilo, Puna and Kona districts.
Class officers include: Sarha Reich (class president), Gerardo Ibarra (vice president), Ikona Rapoza (class treasurer) and Clyde Domen (class secretary).
Other officers in the class are John Allan Antonio, Jaime Chavez-Segura, Reis Darkjian, Kinaole Judah Hernandez, Tyson Ishibashi, Kason Pacheco-Milare, Elieser Quinones, Casey Souza Jr. and Nikita Yoeman.
Special recognition was given to those recruits who achieved outstanding performance during the course of academic training. The Academic Award was given to Reich, who attained the highest grade-point average on weekly and certification examinations.
The Firearms Award was awarded to Chavez-Segura, who showed the highest rating in performance. Their interest and proficiency also factored into determining the recipient of this award.
Rapoza was awarded the Physical Fitness award for excelling and maintaining his level of physical conditioning throughout academic training.
Antonio was awarded the Most Outstanding Recruit award for performing in the upper 10% of the class academically and physically, including his performance in the various arts.
A video of the recruit graduation ceremony can be viewed on the HPD Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/@hawaiipolicedepartment.