RSS Feeds
- – Local News
- – Nation/World News
- – Sports
- – Politics
- – Calendar
- – Entertainment
- – Features
- – Opinion
- – Obituaries
What is (RSS)?
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an easy way to be alerted when new content appears on this web site. These feeds are sent to news readers or aggregators like My Yahoo! or NewsGator. Some browsers and email programs also have news aggregators. Want more information? Visit Wikipedia’s RSS detailed description of RSS.
How do I start using RSS feeds?
The first thing you need is something called a news reader. There are many different types of readers, some of which are accessed using a browser, and some of which are downloadable applications. Many of them are free and will allow you to display and subscribe to the RSS feeds you want.
Once you have chosen a news reader, all you have to do is to decide what sections you would like to receive alerts from. For example, if you would like to receive News from the site, find News from the list of feeds and then copy and paste the RSS address into your news reader. If you are able to drag and drop an RSS address into your reader, click on the News link from the list. After the page loads drag the RSS address (in the address bar of your browser) to your news reader.
Some browsers including Firefox, Opera and Safari has tools that will automatically pick up RSS feeds for you. Please check the browser’s website for more information.