Egypt to announce election results today

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CAIRO — Egypt will release results from disputed presidential elections today, the country’s top elections commission official said — an announcement that will put an end to nerve-wracking uncertainty about who is the official winner, but promises no resolution to power struggles between Islamists, the military and other factions.

A gathering of secular-leaning politicians criticized on Saturday what they said was U.S. meddling on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood, which has claimed victory. Other secularists have stood behind the Islamist group, calling it the likely legitimate winner and the best hope in the current circumstances against continued military domination of the country.

The dispute highlights how the country has been split into deeply polarized camps since the June 16-17 runoff vote between the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate Mohammed Morsi and ousted leader Hosni Mubarak’s last prime minister Ahmed Shafiq, whose campaign also says he has won by a narrow margin.

Many Egyptians have rallied behind Morsi as a chance to finally rid the country of the old Mubarak regime, while others support Shafiq as the best bet to counter Islamists and restore order after a year of protests, economic hardship and fear about crime and continued instability.

But there is little hope the results will produce an end to 16 months of political turmoil. A Morsi victory will likely see the new civilian government fight for its authority against a military that has ensured that its powers persist past the transition. A Shafiq victory will be seen by large sections of the public as illegitimate, as he is perceived as the favored candidate of the military rulers that appointed the election commission.

The commission postponed official results that had been scheduled to be announced Thursday, leading to speculation the military rulers are using those results as a bargaining chip in backroom negotiations with the Brotherhood about post-election division of powers.

In addition to a Morsi or Shafiq victory, a third possibility is that Egypt remains in political limbo: The elections commission may decide to annul the runoff vote and call for new elections in some or all constituencies because of allegations of irregularities by both sides.

Farouk Sultan, the head of the Supreme Presidential Election Commission, said Saturday the results would be announced the next day but did not give further details.

Underlying the tensions are a series of rulings and decrees just before and during the vote that have been perceived as a push by the military to monopolize power and leave the president with only limited authority.

The military, which took over after Mubarak’s ouster, has pledged to hand over power to civilian rule by July 1. But on June 15, the country’s highest court dissolved the country’s Islamist-led parliament, calling the law under which it had been elected unconstitutional. Two days later the generals issued a declaration in which they gave themselves legislative powers, including control over drafting a constitution.