Letters 2-11-2013

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Repeal the Public Land Development Corp.

“Eha ko u na au.” (I hurt in the deepest part of my being.) The PLDC became law in 2011 for the purpose of generating revenue for the state by developing public lands in an appropriate and culturally sensitive manner.

Sounds fair, so far.

However, this law gives broad exemptions from land use and zoning laws and it is unclear this law will protect certain interests of our Native Hawaiian people. This bill threatens the core values of our cultural heritage, that demand our responsibility to cherish and malama (care for) the land that we love, with great care given to protect the precious wahi pana (legendary places) for future generations.

My plea is first to every lawmaker in Hawaii nei to repeal this law. Second, to the Hawaiians, descendants of our renowned ancestors who have gone before us, be vigilant and alert to laws that threaten the legacies left by our beloved ancestors. Third, to every resident of this great state of Hawaii, I plead for your support to advocate for the repeal of the PLDC with a commitment to ensure safeguards through regulations that will protect the land and sacred sites from the ravaging destruction of developers whose primary concern is for the revenues generated.

I urge your support in repealing the PLDC.

B.Halani Berard


Feral cats

Disease discrepancy

This is in reply to U. Ekern, R.N.: The disease is Toxoplasma gondii, not condii, and it is caused by a parasitic one-celled organism, not a virus.

It isn’t a huge public health crisis unless you are pregnant or immunocompromised. Avoid undercooked meat and changing litter boxes if you are.

There are cures for T. gondii. Check your facts.

Judy Condon
