Women are the target on campaign’s final weekend

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WASHINGTON — Their grip on the Senate majority slipping, anxious Democrats aggressively courted female voters Saturday on the final weekend of a midterm campaign that will decide the balance of power in Congress and statehouses during President Barack Obama’s final years in office.

At the same time, some Republicans offered a softer tone as party leaders began to outline plans for a GOP-controlled Congress even with polls suggesting more than a half dozen Senate contests are deadlocked.

“We want to engage members from both parties in the legislative process, to get our democracy working again the way it was designed,” said Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, who would ascend to majority leader if he holds his seat and his party gains six more.

Without getting specific, McConnell predicted that Republicans would “be able to work with the president to ensure solid, pro-middle-class ideas are signed into law.”

Plagued by poor poll numbers, Obama has avoided the most competitive elections, but he used his last radio and Internet address before Tuesday’s election to seek support from women, who are expected to play a pivotal role in races from New Hampshire to Iowa.

“When women succeed, America succeeds,” the president said. “And we should be choosing policies that benefit women — because that benefits all of us.”

Obama made a similar pitch Saturday night in Detroit while appearing at a rally for the Democratic candidates for the Senate, Gary Peters, and for governor, Mark Schauer. The rare Senate candidate who’s asked Obama to campaign with him, Peters also has a comfortable lead in polls.

Republicans “don’t have an agenda for the middle class. They don’t have an agenda for Detroit. They don’t have an agenda for Michigan,” Obama said. “The good news is that Mark and Gary have a different vision, a vision rooted in the conviction that in America prosperity does not trickle down from the top, it comes up from folks who are working every single day.”

The election three days away will decide control of the Senate, the House and 36 governors’ seats.

Republicans appear certain of at least three new seats in the Senate — in West Virginia, Montana and South Dakota. There are nine other competitive races, including six for seats in Democratic hands.

The head of the Democratic National Committee, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, said she was optimistic despite polls showing her party struggling just to maintain the status quo.

“Democrats will hold the Senate,” she said Saturday.

Her GOP counterpart, Reince Priebus, was campaigning with Gov. Scott Walker, R-Wis., and pointed to increasing signs that Republicans will have a good election night.

“I’m feeling pretty confident about where we are across the country,” he said in an interview, citing Democrats’ shrinking advantage with women in key races.

“I don’t think they ought to be bragging,” Priebus said, asserting that “even Mitch McConnell” was outperforming Democratic challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes among female voters.

Women were the focus in Kentucky on Saturday as Hillary Rodham Clinton, appearing with Grimes, endorsed a higher minimum wage and equal pay for women in remarks to more than 1,000 people at Northern Kentucky University.

“It’s not, as Alison rightly said, only a woman’s issue,” said Clinton, a possible 2016 presidential candidate. “It’s a family issue. It’s a fairness issue.”

In New Hampshire, Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen is trying to win a second term and facing a strong challenge from former Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass.

Shaheen planned to campaign with EMILY’s List president Stephanie Schriock, whose organization is spending millions to elect Democratic women.

“There isn’t a race in this country where the women’s vote isn’t critical,” Schriock said. She acknowledged that Democrats’ traditional advantage with women would shrink considerably because women typically vote in smaller numbers in midterm elections.

Public research polls suggest that women have moved in the GOP’s direction since September.

In last month’s Associated Press-GfK poll, 47 percent of likely female voters said they favored a Democratic-controlled Congress while 40 percent wanted the Republicans to take over. In a poll released last week, the two parties were about even among women — 44 percent prefer the Republicans, 42 percent the Democrats.

Speaking on a conference call with volunteers, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., described Iowa Rep. Bruce Braley’s Republican Senate opponent, Joni Ernst, as “a woman who is afraid to come and tell people how she feels.”

“If we win Iowa, we’re going to be just fine,” Reid said. “Iowa is critical.”

Women’s votes have shifted sharply between presidential years and midterm elections. In 2012, women broke for Obama by an 11-point margin, according to exit polls. In 2010, when few candidates raised social issues as a major campaign theme, female voters split evenly between Democratic and Republican House candidates.

Democrats have put women’s health and reproductive rights at the center of Senate campaigns in Alaska, Iowa, North Carolina and especially Colorado.

Half the ads aired by Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo., and those who are backing his re-election have criticized GOP Rep. Cory Gardner on women’s health issues.

Some ads have claimed that Gardner wants to ban certain kinds of birth control. Gardner has tried to nullify the attack by proposing that birth control pills be available over the counter, instead of requiring a prescription.