U.S. can’t save the world by bringing in refugees

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Issue: 10,000 to 200,000 new Syrian Muslims being brought to the U.S. to be cared for and supported by billions of tax dollars who are expected to arrive soon. Some have been brought in already to Louisiana, Ohio and North Carolina, according to reports. Our debt grows daily. How will we ever pay it? And where will they live?

European border reports 80 percent of the Syrian Muslims going across Europe now are young military aged men, leaving their families behind. Are they not willing to fight for their nation, or defend their families? Yes, there are some families. It’s heartbreaking to see the children, they are innocent.

Hasn’t the U.S. already brought in over a million Muslims from the Middle East the past few years? Many who are still on assistance, like the Boston Marathon Muslim bombing brothers.

Doesn’t our nation have enough problems now? As wonderful as it would be to save the world, it’s impossible. In a perfect world we could, wishing it possible does not make it so. We have given billions in aid to the Middle East and all the other nations. We’ve been the sugar daddy for too long. If we only had the money, we could take care of the world. Unfortunately, much of what we give with good intentions is used by corrupt leaders and not used to help the condition of their nation or the people who need it.

Our U.S. homeless population and Americans living in poverty has skyrocketed the past few years. Our U.S. veterans are being ignored, not getting the treatment or help they need. Too many Americans are unemployed, many because of so many new laws and restrictions on businesses are making them go out of business. Many new laws/regulations are pushing big companies to move to the other countries where they profit so much more. We need to keep them here: Made in the USA.

Our government used to process people who wanted to come to our nation, making sure they were good by using background checks. Not anymore. We have open borders with thousands of unknown/undocumented people coming in. More than 7,000 Americans were killed by illegals between 2008-2013 in a law enforcement report. The president released 60,000 illegals from prison just this year, many back on our streets, and some to live in our sanctuary cities, where they are protected. We have our hands full with this issue.

From security reports, it is almost impossible to document people from the Middle East. Is it a gamble our nation wants to take? ISIS and others are using the refugee situation to their benefit as we saw in Paris. They are bragging about it. That is a major concern.

The Muslim population will explode in the U.S., changing our demography. Our nation will never be the same, as we see so many changes already.

This is an action our president is taking that will change things for everyone. It would make sense that our government would want to know how the U.S. citizen feels about it, since it will impact us and our children for generations to come. Not just make a rash decision, and that’s it, pau!

Since everyone is putting in their two cents, I will, too. This is important. I’m hoping others will as well.

Mahina Watson is a resident of Kailua-Kona.

My Turn opinions are the views of the writer and not necessarily of West Hawaii Today.