Letters to the Editor: 11-8-16

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Still waiting for lights

There are still no lights above Old Airport tennis courts.

Last January when USTA hosted the Fed Cup here in Kona they made headlines. They have a give back to Kona program. The USTA was going to send funds to help in rebuilding the tennis courts at the Old Airport Park. The big problem was the courts are too old and the lights are horrible. We were promised this would happen by the end of this year.

Fast forward to November. The ball fields have new lights, the soccer field has new lights, the tennis courts? Sadly, we are playing in the dark. Our Mayor Billy Kenoi promised that our courts would be done by the end of his term. Nothing has been done! I also feel that with Harry Kim’s record on West Hawaii we probably will get nothing done.

We used to have a voice when Reid Flickinger worked with the county. Now you make phone calls and get no response. Is there anyone out there that has any information? The Cubs waited 108 years for a World Series. How long do we have to wait for lights?

Patricia Nye


Association dues unreasonable

In the broad daylight of the Democratic State of Hawaii, the overreaching WVA board members have been unilaterally imposed their diktats on the 3,005 units/owners in Waikoloa Village.

This quiet community, where the inhabitants have been living peacefully over the last 40 years, to work and raise their families, or to enjoy a peaceful retirement, went into shock Oct. 25 when the Waikoloa Village Association Board voted to implement a string of astronomical dues increases starting 2017.

Fifty-seven percent WVA dues increase starting 2017, and more increases scheduled to follow, will inflict financial hardship to this community when 2017 Social Security cost of living increase for seniors is $4, coupled with 25 percent average increase for health insurance premiums and a sky-rocketing cost of living in the Hawaiian islands!

The drastic string of HOA dues increases will be used to mop up the infinite cost of a golf course, stables, and to finance the ambitious master expansion plan consisting of a multi-million dollar pool, future fitness center, etc. initiated by the vocal group of newcomers migrating here from big U.S. cities to replicate their wasteful and non-ecoconcious lifestyle.

On Oct. 30 a petition against these giant dues increases was initiated by a WVA member to inform and to rally her fellow members to sign her petition.

(Go to: https://www.change.org/p/waikoloa-village-association-board-help-us-halt-a-330-waikoloa-village-association-dues-increase-approved-for-2017)

On Nov. 1, at this WVA’s board meeting, 150-plus members attended and the majority implored the WVA board to halt their ruthless dues increase to support wasteful spending on a golf course, $2 million pool, etc.

Members unanimously pleaded that their worsening personal finances will make it impossible to absorb increased dues proposed by the leadership of the WVA board.

To date there are 394 signatures on change.org, 60-plus signatures on paper-petition support, and counting.

The next WVA meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 15 in the WVA Community Room.

This will be the day when WVA board will announce its decisions on HOA dues and the 2017 budget, after having heard and witnessed members’ feedback and testimonies on how the drastic dues increases would wreak havoc to their daily lives.

Tiffany Nguyen

Waikoloa Village