Letters to the Editor: 2-3-17

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Trump head of fascist state

Hello? Did we, or did we not, spend the last eight years listening to Republicans howl at the moon about the presumptions of a president who would “dictate” his will upon the people?

Didn’t we? Didn’t we hear that about President Obama? You know, the president whose legitimacy, for two terms, never ceased being attacked? Donald F. Trump used his inauguration speech to issue his “decree” upon the country. Decree? Is he our king? Who does he think he is? In the 10 days since then, he has issued a blizzard of executive decisions, which decree how all of us lowly citizens of the United States of America will henceforth bow down to the Trumpiness of our new reality, living in what has become a banana republic, fascist of a country.

The spirit of our much idolatrized Founding Fathers must be cringing. Fascism? I would invite you to look it up if you do not know. Think fascist dictator. Want an example of a fascist dictator? Think Adolf Hitler.

He came to a very fuzzy electoral power in 1933. Seventeen years later, 6 million Jews had perished and who knows how many other millions dead as a result. Some U.S. allies suffered 20 million dead in World War II.

Muslim ban? You have got to be kidding me. The countries on the “banned list” constitute exactly zero of the people who have attacked the U.S. since 9/11.

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, and Pakistan are not on the list. Interestingly, all of the countries exempt from the Muslim ban happen to be places where Donald F. Trump stands to lose money if included in the ban. Hello? America! Wake up! Trump is there to promote Trump. The rest of us just need to buckle up, and shut up. Is that what you really want?

Rebecca Wright


Turn golf into science

It’s obvious that the west side of the island is rapidly undergoing new growth with housing and development, often including higher-end resorts with included golf courses. Such golf courses​/clubs are increasing in number and, as mostly “bundled” with the resorts’ general facilities (and revenues), are subject to different financial pressures than those which are bundled with homeowners rather than vacationers.

The residents of Waikoloa Village (I am one) have been concerned for many years with the continuing liability of our community golf course. The practice has been to subsidize the losses by raising the association dues, resulting in a recent escalation of dues, emotions and tempers. Not very aloha at all.

It was in this context that I was challenged to think out of the box. I’ve provided our board with a win-win-win proposal which includes: an invitation to the TMT Corp. to locate their new island offices/labs/terminus on the golf course site and a companion offer to the University of Hawaii (the Astronomy Institute in particular) to relocate part or all of their astronomy program as well.

Our beautiful green space stays green, our continuing losses cease and advanced education, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) comes to the west side of the island in a big (and gentle) way.

To their great credit, our association board of directors has scheduled the public presentation of this proposal at their next regularly scheduled board meeting. We’re all hoping for the best outcome.

Richard Apothaker

Waikoloa Village