Letters to the editor: 7-12-17

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Speeding tickets sweet justice

I won’t say where, but it was nice to see our HPD in blue with their flashing blue lights pulling over vehicles that were going too fast these last couple of days.

There are way too many speed demons on every highway on our island and not enough police.

There have been way too many fatalities on our road this year, so I hope HPD will be able to get all those drivers to slow down. Maybe the courts can help by increasing the penalty fees for these speeders. Losing a loved one to senseless stupidity is heartbreaking.

Stephanie Ackerman


Partnership mention warranted

I was very pleased the newspaper gave so much attention to the Women in Transition event held at Palamanui June 24. To encourage the women of West Hawaii to achieve more, learn more and ultimately earn more is an important goal for our community.

I was, however, very disappointed that no mention was made of the co-partnership between Palamanui and American Association of University Women-Kona. It was this organization that revived the idea of supporting women through a Women in Transition event in 2006. The college had stopped sponsoring them. And in this year’s event, the members of AAUW were involved in planning, funding and hosting the event.

AAUW-Kona serves the girls and women of West Hawaii because it is our mission — not for accolades and pats on the back. But it does seem inappropriate to disregard the efforts of the organization. I hope the future events will be reported more accurately.

Linda Arlington

AAUW-Kona president

Protect us from ourselves

Since 1984, there have been 41 mass shootings in the United States. For the most part, the 486 victims did not know the 44 shooters. Thirty-four of the shooters were American-born, American-raised citizens. Only two had been radicalized.

The 10 that were foreign born came from Canada, Jamaica, Bosnia, Turkey, China, Vietnam, South Korea, Ethiopia and Pakistan. Of those 10, eight were either naturalized citizens or permanent legal residents. Of the two that were not American citizens, one was a student from China and the other was a man from Bosnia.

None of them came from the seven banned countries. How will the travel ban protect us from American citizens?

Annette Rose LaBonte


Kona senses

Such beauty I see

incredible, colorful, unbelievable.

Such sounds I hear

melodious, soothing, natural.

Such aromas I smell

exotic, wondrous, enticing.

Such touches I feel

unique, tactile, ingrained.

Such spirit I sense

continual, loving, aloha.

Steve Hill
