The cause of the fire, which was extinguished within the hour, remains under investigation. BY CHELSEA JENSEN ADVERTISING WEST HAWAII TODAY Firefighters quickly doused a small brush fire that broke out Friday afternoon in a residential area off Kaiminani
Firefighters quickly doused a small brush fire that broke out Friday afternoon in a residential area off Kaiminani Drive in North Kona.
The fire, reported about 3:15 p.m., consumed about 800 square feet of land between a Hawaii County Department of Water Supply tank and a residence located off Hiolani Street mauka of Nehiwa Street, according to the Hawaii Fire Department. The fire did not damage the tank or the home.
Firefighters on the scene noted a quick reaction by the homeowner and neighbors combined with a lack of fuel in the area kept the fire from growing prior to their arrival.
The blaze appeared to have started in a debris pile consisting of yard waste and metal left in the yard, according to the department.
No structures were threatened, injuries reported or roads closed, according to the department.
The cause of the fire, which was extinguished within the hour, remains under investigation.