West Hawaii Today

Friday, Feb. 07, 2025 | Today's Paper | few clouds 76.244°

Agtech, Aquatech offer huge opportunities for Hawaii

Most people in Hawaii understand we need to diversify our economy to include more than tourism income and military spending. We also understand the need to grow more of our own food, rather than depend on imports and, ideally, export high-value food products as well. Not incidentally, one factor contributing to the wildfires that ravaged Lahaina and damaged Kula and other places in our islands is that so much land now lies fallow, uncared for and unirrigated, covered in wild grasses that are fuel for wildfires. This needs to change.

Resources humans need are here on Earth; why travel to Mars?

We know more about the surface of Mars than the bottom of the ocean, or so I hear a couple of times a year. I don’t know if that’s true, but it sounds believable because we see more news about space. Space is a wonderment; we can see it from anywhere. The bottom of the ocean is covert, covered, we can’t see it, even though it is a lot closer. The heavens seem close, because we can see a lot of stars from almost anywhere. Most of us only see the edge of the ocean. Or the top. Where the water is very clear one might see the bottom 600 feet down. Most places you are lucky to see 6 feet down and the average depth is over 2 miles. There is twice as much of Earth’s surface under water than above.

Building code ignores the obvious – at great expense

“I want to go back to my little grass shack in Kealakekua Hawaii.” Do you dare go back to when a little grass shack was considered adequate housing? You might be fined if the shack does not fully comply with the international building code.

My Turn: Editorial pity party for poor wealthy developer

The editor’s recent sympathy for that poor Hilo/Honolulu developer in West Hawaii Today’s editorial, “Neighbors’ call for preservation curious,” brought tears to my eyes. It was moving how you educated the public about how, “[t]he legitimate work the developer has done to get this far has been sound.” There is so much more to this story than you told.

WHT editorial: How did pursuit get this far?

A 37-year-old man was airlifted to an Oahu hospital in serious condition after suffering gunshot wounds on Wednesday, launching another police manhunt in an area that was already in the middle of one.

WHT editorial: Ex-officer’s appeal seems heartless

When Jody Buddemeyer was sentenced in November to one year of probation for striking and killing a cyclist in 2015, many in the community — including this editorial board — felt the ex-officer got off lightly.

Our View: Anti-vaccination message barely worth printing

Detailing information with the community about what’s going on around the island is this newspaper’s daily mission, but every once and while it can be a difficult decision as to whether sharing certain information actually serves any public good.