There was only one place to truly horse around last weekend: the 2012 Hawaii Horse Expo in Waimea. There was only one place to truly horse around last weekend: the 2012 Hawaii Horse Expo in Waimea. Held Saturday and Sunday
There was only one place to truly horse around last weekend: the 2012 Hawaii Horse Expo in Waimea.
Held Saturday and Sunday at the Paniolo Heritage Center at Pukalani Stables, this fifth annual event offered numerous presentations and demonstrations by world-class experts in equine care. Topics included Yoga and the Rider; Colt Starting, The 10 Qualities of the Horse’s Mind, ABC’s of Horse Breeding and Introduction to Wellness Hoof Trimming. The Mana Award was presented Sunday to Waimea equestrian and educator Dick Solmssen.
Proceeds from this two-day event went to the Hawaii Island Humane Society Horse Rescue and the Paniolo Preservation Society. For more information, visit or —WHT