Canoe plants vital to the first Hawaiians and us as well

When the first Polynesians arrived in the Hawaiian Islands, there were very few plants that were of use as edibles. Initially, they probably lived on what could be taken from the sea like limu, fish, vana, opihi, squid, octopus and sea slugs just to mention a few. Of course, many birds flourished on the land. They and their eggs were fair game as well. Luckily the first people brought with them a great variety of plants like coconut, turmeric, sugar cane, bamboo, kalo, mountain apple, breadfruit and scores of banana varieties. They also brought pigs, chickens, dogs and rats. The animals had a great impact on the ecosystem, since no land mammals except the Hawaiian Hoary bat existed before the First People.

Editorial: Strengthen ‘say on pay’ to rein in executive salaries

Culture wars continue to polarize U.S. politics, but Americans on both sides of the cultural divide should agree that the growing gap between the richest Americans and average folks undermines democracy. The average compensation for a CEO at the country’s largest companies hit $20 million this year, up 31% since 2020. That’s 275 to 350 times the wages of median workers.

As I See It: Catch 23

Catch 23, Putin’s implied threat of nuclear weapons against Ukraine. This is a ploy to protect his unlawful, unethical, unconscionable assault on free democracy, from retaliation. He presumably thinks that the threat of an unthinkable catastrophe: a nuclear exchange, will deter retribution.