Growing local seeds for local needs

Years of research as well as anecdotal reports from growers indicate that growing plants from local seeds will produce the healthiest and best adapted plants. It makes sense.

Experts explain why it takes so long to remodel a kitchen

According to USA Cabinet Store Kitchen &Bath Design Center, the typical kitchen remodel project takes anywhere from three to six months to complete. A larger kitchen remodel can take even longer — sometimes more than a year. Smart Remodeling LLC counters with an estimate of six to nine weeks for the average kitchen remodel, with larger kitchens and more complex projects often taking 10 to 12 weeks.

Beautiful beds: Transition to spring with these bedding ideas

Many hands make for light work. That’s what they say, anyway. For the last three weeks, it’s been an all-hands-on-deck situation resetting after the holidays. Although I can’t exactly say it’s been light work – this year featured more Christmas looks than we’ve ever done before. But our team is fantastic. Everybody pitched in, and the shop is finally looking fresh, bright, and ready for the new year.