Your lawn may be hungry and thirsty now

Your landscape whether lawn or palms will tell you when it is time to supply nutrients. Here, areca palms (Dypsis lutescens) are showing signs of hunger. A balanced fertilizer with nitrogen, phosphorus and Potassium will help, but in this case minor elements especially magnesium will give the palms a healthy dark green appearance. (Courtesy photo/Voltaire Moise)

Global warming has made forecasting weather a big gamble. Generally speaking, Hawaii’s rainy season is usually November through April. The exception is Kona that has a summer rainy season with a dry winter. Other variables include elevation and the effect of moisture-bearing tradewinds. Thus mauka areas of the windward side may receive 200 or more inches of rain while coastal South Kohala may receive very little rain throughout the year. On the leeward side, coastal Kona may receive 30 inches of rain in the summer, but at 2,000 to 4,000 feet elevation, summer rainfall may be 60 to 100 inches. Kona Cloud Forest Sanctuary at 3,000 feet in Kaloko Mauka has recorded no dry season for almost three years while the windward side has experienced unusually dry weather.