On Gardening: Suncredible sunflowers take awards across the country

Suncredible Yellow sunflower and Rockin Deep Purple salvia create a stunning complementary combination. (Norman Winter/TNS)

This Suncredibe Saturn is being visited by an American Lady Butterfly. (Norman Winter/TNS)

The Garden Guy is using Suncredible Saturn in a backyard habitat with agastache and buddleia. (Norman Winter/TNS)

This new Suncredible Saturn sunflower makes its debut in 2022. (Norman Winter/TNS)

Suncedible Yellow sunflowers bring in pollinators like bees and butterflies. (Norman Winter/TNS)

The National Garden Bureau has designated 2021 as The Year of the Sunflower. If you choose to participate, I have the plant for you: Suncredible Yellow, a new everblooming bush variety.