On Gardening: Limelight Prime garners Hydrangea of the Year

The Garden Guy then started adding pollinator plants like Truffula Pink gomphrena. (Norman Winter/TNS)

Limelight Prime is the Hydrangea of the Year for Proven Winners. It is smaller in stature than the first Limelight and is easy to fit in the landscape. Here it is starting to show color last July at The Garden Guy’s house in Georgia. (Norman Winter/TNS)

It wasn’t until the summer of 2019 that I realized I lived in a Hydrangea paniculata forest. If you have read my columns, then you know The Garden Guy can exaggerate a little. So, to be more succinct: My neighbors all down both sides of the street have the most glorious monster hydrangeas. I, on the other hand, have the more refined Limelight Prime, the 2023 Hydrangea of the Year, as so designated by Proven Winners.