Make this your year for civic resolutions

If you failed to visit the gym, cut back on sweets or start a new hobby in January, never fear. Experts say it’s best to make resolutions a little later in any case. And the most important resolutions you make in 2024 may be less about self-help than about the nation as a whole.

As I See It: Historical stunts

In 1942, George H.W. Bush was the youngest Navy pilot to be shot down. He was 18. He survived and went back up again. He followed the Navy with a distinguished career in public service. In 1988, he ran for president. It was not clear why but the opposition started calling the war hero a wimp. His candidacy looked dim until he arrived at a campaign rally driving a heavy-duty tanker truck, not just blowing the horn. The wimp label fell away.

The War on Poverty wasn’t enough

Sixty years ago, President Lyndon Johnson declared “an unconditional war on poverty.” Using policies and programs as weapons, Johnson focused heavily on health coverage and “human capital.” His Great Society agenda also included key political reforms like the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968, the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

We need protection from harmful surveillance technologies

In December 2023, the Chicago Police Department quietly entered into a free six-month pilot for a database called CrimeTracer by SoundThinking, the company behind the controversial ShotSpotter technology. CrimeTracer is a police database and search engine, repackaging and sharing large pools of data across different agencies. The approval occurring without public oversight prevents a good-faith assessment of the hidden public costs large-scale databases can wreak, showcasing a larger pattern of U.S. cities’ rash tendency to adopt technology built on legacies of racist policing and state violence.

Ronald Reagan would not be welcomed in today’s GOP

How did Ronald Reagan’s party become Donald Trump’s party? That is a question asked by many of the GOP faithful. Although Reagan was the first MAGA president (recall that in 1980 he ran on the slogan “Let’s Make America Great Again”) I don’t believe that he would be welcomed in today’s Republican Party.

The battle between good and evil rages on

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, “the first lesson of history is the good of evil.” A contrary statement, but one that describes the impetus that must often take place to move people and nations to action. Such a time is now.

More delays? Supreme Court was wrong to put off Trump immunity decision

The Supreme Court announced on Wednesday that it will consider Donald Trump’s claim that as a former president he enjoys immunity from prosecution for alleged crimes connected to his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. By taking the case and scheduling oral argument for the week of April 22, the court has further complicated the timeline for a Trump trial, which a district judge originally scheduled for March 4.

Netanyahu’s ‘day after’ memo isn’t a plan, but it’s a start

Benjamin Netanyahu’s one-page plan for the day after the war in Gaza isn’t a plan at all. Rather, it’s a list of the Israeli prime minister’s long-held and often contradictory positions on the Gaza conflict — committed to writing to keep his government together, the Israeli population quiescent, and Washington at bay. The more interesting question is what to do with it.