Submit A&E Content

Aloha! West Hawaii Today wants to share your arts and entertainment news with our Big Island Entertainment Scene readers. The Big Island Entertainment Scene is published each Friday in West Hawaii Today.

While West Hawaii Today makes every effort to accommodate all submissions, publication is not guaranteed, and all submissions are subject to editing for space and content. Please use this form to submit press releases, story suggestions, content and upcoming events for our Get In and Get Out Calendar. You may also submit events to our online Events Calendar for additional exposure.

Please include high-resolution images, as well as contact information so that the newspaper may contact you for further information. Please submit content at least two (2) weeks in advance of event. Content for the Get In and Get Out Calendar must be submitted no later than 12 p.m. (noon) Tuesday to be published in the Friday edition.

This form is intended for news items for and about the people of Hawaii Island. This form should not be used for business solicitations, for events that do not happen on Hawaii Island, or do not involve Hawaii Island residents.

*Denotes required fields. Forms not completely filled out will not be processed.

Submit A&E Content

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