Suit seeks to overturn renewed Philadelphia mask mandate

PHILADELPHIA — Several businesses and residents have filed suit in state court in Pennsylvania seeking to overturn Philadelphia’s renewed indoor mask mandate scheduled to be enforced beginning Monday in an effort to halt a surge in COVID-19 infections.

Hospitals report few COVID patients; demand for boosters up

As Hawaii lifts the mandatory mask mandate and Safe Travels Program, hospitals on the Big Island are generally seeing fewer COVID-19 patients, including Kona Community Hospital, which recently saw a six- day period during which no COVID-19 patients were admitted.

A million empty spaces: Chronicling COVID’s ruthless US toll

Soon, likely in the next few weeks, the U.S. toll from the coronavirus will surpass 1 million. Through wave after wave, the virus has compiled a merciless chronology of loss — one by one by one. If losing one person leaves such a lasting void, consider all that’s been lost with the deaths of 1 million. From the first deaths on the West Coast to the soaring toll in New York, and then every place in between, the nation has been marked by unfathomable loss. COVID-19 has left an estimated 194,000 children in the U.S. without one or both of their parents. It has deprived communities of leaders, teachers and caregivers. It has robbed us of expertise and persistence, humor and devotion.

Philadelphia to restore indoor mask mandate as cases rise

Philadelphia became the first major U.S. city to reinstate its indoor mask mandate on Monday after reporting a sharp increase in coronavirus infections, with the city’s top health official saying she wanted to forestall a potential new wave driven by an omicron subvariant.

Mariupol mayor says siege has killed more than 10K civilians

KYIV, Ukraine — The mayor of the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol said Monday that more than 10,000 civilians have died in the Russian siege of his city, and that the death toll could surpass 20,000, as weeks of attacks and privation leave the bodies of Mariupol’s people “carpeted through the streets.”