Volcano Watch: When rocks fly

Tephra is the Greek word for ash, and it is the label we use for rocks that come flying out of the volcano during an eruption. Every feature of every single tephra grain has something significant to say about the volcanic process that created the grain and the transport journey it took afterward.

Volcano Watch: How has topography been modeled at Hawaii’s volcanoes?

Modeling topography on active volcanoes is unlike doing so in any other setting, because dramatic changes can occur on timescales far shorter than a human lifetime. For example, in 2018 at Kilauea, approximately 1 cubic kilometer of rock volume (0.25 cubic miles) was lost at the volcano’s summit and deposited on the lower East Rift Zone. So, topographic models can become outdated relatively quickly, and we need to update them accordingly.

Volcano Watch: HVO camera network reconfiguration and upgrades coming soon

Over the past two decades, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) has set up a camera network system to monitor visual changes at Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes. This network was designed for the volcanic activity of the time and captured the two long-lived eruptions of Kilauea at the summit and East Rift Zone up close.

Volcano Watch: Kilauea Volcano’s summit water lake is 1 year old

On July 25, 2019, ponded water was first observed within Halemaumau at the summit of Kilauea Volcano. Over the past 12 months, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) has watched this amazing body of water grow from a nascent pond into a veritable lake, the first observed within Kilauea caldera in at least 200 years.

Volcano Watch: Electronic ‘doctor’ tracks health of monitoring stations

As part of Volcano Awareness Month earlier this year, “Volcano Watch” featured five articles focused on different roles at the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO). These articles described the roles of “geodesist,” “Scientist-in-Charge,” “gas geochemist,” “seismologist,” and “geologist.” This month, we continue that series, focusing on the role of “technician.”

Volcano Watch: Extraordinary tenure ends for leader of Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

The extraordinary leadership of Tina Neal as Scientist-in-Charge (SiC) of the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) comes to an end this week, when she returns to the alaska Volcano Observatory after fulfilling her five-year commitment to HVO. David Phillips, HVO’s Deputy SiC, will take the helm until Tina’s successor arrives.

April 1980 was a month to remember at Mount St. Helens

Mount St. Helens was exploding! The first eruption in the Cascades since 1914­-17 (Lassen Peak) started on March 27, 1980. April became a frenzied, exciting, challenging, sometimes frustrating, once-in-a-lifetime experience for several scientists with experience at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO), called on to measure the deforming volcano.

Who and what is the scientist-in-charge?

Today’s article, written by HVO Scientist-in-Charge Christina (Tina) Neal, is the second in a series of articles about HVO people and jobs during Volcano Awareness Month 2020. Next week, another HVO team will write about its work.