Caregiving Conversations will meet from 11 a.m.-noon this Wednesday with professional caregiver Karyn Clay. Whether a caregiver by heart, hire or relationship, join fellow caregivers in sharing stories, support and inspiration.
Caregiving Conversations will meet from 11 a.m.-noon this Wednesday with professional caregiver Karyn Clay. Whether a caregiver by heart, hire or relationship, join fellow caregivers in sharing stories, support and inspiration.
Cancer Support Group for Women will gather from 12:30-2 p.m. Wednesday. Survivors, cancer patients currently in treatment, recently diagnosed, or coping with the effects of cancer on a loved one are invited to join this group to discover the power of healing through connection with others who share a common bond.
Zumba Gold (in a chair) will meet from 10:30-11 a.m. this Thursday and Aug. 16 with Renée Morinaka, a licensed Zumba instructor. The class is for those who have mobility or balance issues but still love to move and dance. It includes stretching to upbeat music and activates hand, arm, leg and body movements. Participants will sit during the entire class. Bring water, a towel and wear covered shoes.
Taking the Unknown Out of Retirement Planning will be presented from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Aug. 9, and from 1-2:30 p.m. Aug. 18 with Evan Belaga, a local certified financial and retirement planner. He has been assisting individuals and business owners realize their retirement opportunities for more than 30 years, offering ways to maximize pensions, social security and survivor benefits.
Tutu’s House Toning Group will meet from 2-4 p.m. Aug. 11. In ancient times, people used the power of sound to communicate, empower their community, support healthy bodies and for simple enjoyment and connection. Join Shira Hunt and George Mycroft to reconnect with this process to experience the adventurous and healing power of sound through the vibrations and frequencies of voices.