Tropical Gardening Helpline: Mealy bug destroyer one predator you want around

Both the adult beetle and the larval form of the mealy bug destroyer eat lots of mealy bugs. (Photo courtesy / ipm/
The Hawaiian lady bug is a small black beetle that is a voracious eater of insect pests on plants. (Photo courtesy /
The orange lady bug also serves to control insect pests, like aphids, in Hawaii. (Photo courtesy /
The mealy bug destroyer eats aphids and scale as well as mealy bugs. (Photo courtesy /
Mealy bugs gather where they can get access to plant juices, often along the stem at leaf crotches or on the underside of leaves. (Photo courtesy /

Dorothy asks: I was spraying a mealy bug infestation on my gardenia and saw this large white furry insect on the underside of some of the leaves that looked kind of like a giant mealy bug. I sprayed it also but wondered what it was. Do you know?