Suspect in Nipsey Hussle killing had personal dispute with rapper; video of shooting emerges

Steve Soboroff. President of the Los Angeles Police Commission talks about his messages with Nipsey Hussle before Hussle's death as he addresses a press conference at LAPD headquarters to update the Nipsey Hussle death investigation and discuss the case in the context of recent violent crime increases. (Al Seib/Los Angeles Times/TNS)
Los Angeles City Council Member Marqueece Harris-Dawson, left, representing Council District 8 talks with Rev. William D. Smart Jr., right, President and CEO of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) of Southern California and other members of the Los Angeles faith community after a impromptu meeting with Mayor Eric Garcetti, LAPD Chief Michel Moore and others following a press conference at LAPD headquarters to update the Nipsey Hussle death investigation and discuss the case in the context of recent violent crime increases. (Al Seib/Los Angeles Times/TNS)
Mourners stand behind police crime scene tape to pay their respect at a makeshift memorial for Nipsey Hussle at his business The Marathon and shooting scene on Slauson Avenue on April 02, 2019 in Los Angeles. (Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times/TNS)
Herman Douglas aka Cowboy, business partner of Nipsey Hussle, stands behind police crime scene tape to pay his respect at a makeshift memorial for Hassle at their business The Marathon and shooting scene on Slauson Avenue on April 02, 2019 in Los Angeles. (Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times/TNS)
LOS ANGELES, CA - APRIL 1, 2019 - - Fans of rapper Nipsey Hussle gather and pay their respects at a makeshift memorial in the parking lot of the Marathon Clothing store in Los Angeles, Monday, April 1, 2019. Hussle was killed in a shooting outside his clothing store on Slauson Avenue on Sunday. Two others were wounded in the shooting. (Genaro Molina/Los Angeles Times)
Mourners visit makeshift memorial for Nipsey Hussle at his The Marathon and shooting scene on Slauson Avenue on April 02, 2019 in Los Angeles. (Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times/TNS)

LOS ANGELES — As police search for the suspect in the killing of rapper Nipsey Hussle, new videos and details are emerging of what led up to the attack.