County beaches to reopen, for real this time

A man walks to his car from Richardson Ocean Park in Hilo on Tuesday. Most county parks will officially reopen today. (Photos by Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald)

A beachgoer closes his trunk before going to Richardson Ocean Park for a swim in Hilo on Tuesday, May 19, 2020. The parking lots at the beach parks are still closed to the public. (Photos by Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald)

A beachgoer watches lifeguard training at Richardson Ocean Park in Hilo on Tuesday, May 19, 2020. The beaches will be open on Wednesday. (Photos by Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald)

Ty Medeiros gets out of the water after swimming at Richardson Ocean Park in Hilo on Tuesday, May 19, 2020. Mederios was expecting the beaches to be completely open, but was just coming by for a swim anyway. (Photos by Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald)

County beach parks finally reopen today after an apparently premature announcement on Monday caused confusion among would-be beachgoers.