Terraformation helping mitigate climate change through reforestation

Jill Wagner at the Hawaii Seed Bank. Special to West Hawaii Today

Terraformation team members reforest land in North Kohala.

Terraformation team members reforest land in North Kohala. Patrick Kelley/ Special to West Hawaii Today

A Terraformation team member reforests land in North Kohala.

Terraformation team members reforest land in North Kohala.

Terraformation team members reforest land in North Kohala. Patrick Kelley/ Special to West Hawaii Today

Terraformation team members install an irrigation system to reforest land in North Kohala. (Photos by Patrick Kelley/ Special to West Hawaii Today)

Terraformation team members collect seeds to reforest land in North Kohala.

Terraformation team members propagate seeds to reforest land in North Kohala.

Terraformation team members reforest land in North Kohala. (Photos by Patrick Kelley/ Special to West Hawaii Today)

An organization on Hawaii Island is doing its part to help mitigate climate change through reforestation around the globe.