Higher but still slim odds of asteroid Bennu slamming Earth

This undated image made available by NASA shows the asteroid Bennu from the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft. On Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2021, scientists said they have a better handle on asteroid Bennu’s whereabouts for the next 200 years. The bad news is that the space rock has a slightly greater chance of clobbering Earth than previously thought. But don’t be alarmed: Scientists reported that the odds are still quite low that Bennu will hit us in the next century. (NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona/CSA/York/MDA via AP)

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — The good news is that scientists have a better handle on asteroid Bennu’s whereabouts for the next 200 years. The bad news is that the space rock has a slightly greater chance of clobbering Earth than previously thought.