Keeping it clean: Volunteers remove trash along Kona highway, push for enforcement of litter laws

Volunteers on Saturday clean up trash along Queen Ka‘ahumanu Highway and try to bring awareness on the law regarding securing trash loads. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Volunteers on Saturday clean up trash along Queen Ka‘ahumanu Highway and try to bring awareness on the law regarding securing trash loads. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Community Policing Officer Dwayne Sluss and organizer Tina Cooper on Saturday clean up trash along Queen Ka‘ahumanu Highway and try to bring awareness on the law regarding securing trash loads. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Volunteers on Saturday collected trash along Queen Ka‘ahumanu Highway and try to bring awareness on the law regarding securing trash loads. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Volunteers on Saturday collected trash along Queen Ka‘ahumanu Highway and try to bring awareness on the law regarding securing trash loads. Courtesy photo/Special to West Hawaii Today

Over 30 volunteers spent Saturday morning cleaning up trash strewn along Queen Ka‘ahumanu Highway in Kailua-Kona.