Coming together: Police, nonprofit partner to outfit hundreds of keiki with backpacks

Officer Dwayne Sluss poses with students from the La‘i‘opua 2020 Summer Enrichment program after passing out backpacks on Friday. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)

Officer Dwayne Sluss passes out backpacks to students from the La‘i‘opua 2020 Summer Enrichment program on Friday.

Officer Dwayne Sluss passes out backpacks to students from the La‘i‘opua 2020 Summer Enrichment program on Friday. (Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii To

Keiki perform a mele on their last day of La‘i‘opua 2020 Summer Enrichment program on Friday. (Photos by Laura Ruminski/West Hawaii Today)

Community Policing had donated backpacks, but nothing to fill them. La‘i‘opua 2020 had supplies for keiki in their summer program, but nothing to put them in.