Free training for new skills, jobs available for Hawaiʻi County residents

Certified Nurse Aide is a new course being offered this fall at Hawai‘i CC. (courtesy Photo/ HCC)

Maya Kalalau operates a forklift during a Good Jobs Hawai‘i training class at Hawai‘i CC. (courtsy photo/ HCC)

Starting this fall, there will be additional free job training courses available for Hawai‘i Island residents through the Good Jobs Hawai’i initiative. Some of the training will also be open to residents throughout the state. These training sessions will provide opportunities for people to upskill and earn industry credentials in the healthcare, skilled trades and technology industries, which will lead to employment, paid internships and apprenticeship pathways. Sign ups for a variety of online and in-person training of different durations are now available through the Good Jobs Hawai’I website.