Experts recommend: Take rat lungworm disease seriously

Commonly available over-the-counter pinworm medicines, containing the active ingredient pyrantel pamoate, could help mitigate the development of serious rat lungworm disease if taken soon after accidental ingestion of a slug or snail.

Courtesy of BIISC The Big Island Invasive Species Committee finds snail damage on a leaf while checking greens for snails and slugs carrying rat lungworm.

Members of the Big Island Invasive Species Committee talk about their findings after looking through potted plants to find slugs and snails carrying rat lungworm. (BIISC/Courtesy photo)

Kelsey Walling/Tribune-Herald Slug jug examples are displayed at the Big Island Invasive Species Committee's presentation on Rat lungworm at the Hawaiian Paradise Park community center on Saturday, March 16, 2024.

Awareness is key in preventing and treating rat lungworm, the prevalent and serious disease often found in East Hawaii residents.