‘Time to choose’: Rishi Sunak calls UK national election for July 4

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak delivers a speech outside Number 10 Downing Street, in London, Britain, May 22, 2024. REUTERS/Toby Melville

LONDON — British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a national election on Wednesday for July 4, saying Britons would be able to choose their future in a vote his Conservatives are widely expected to lose to the opposition Labor Party after 14 years in power.

Ending months of speculation as to when he would call a new vote, Sunak, 44, stood outside his Downing Street office in pouring rain and announced he was calling the election earlier than expected, a risky strategy with his party far behind Labor in the opinion polls.


Almost shouting to be heard above an anthem of Labor’s election victory in 1997 under former prime minister Tony Blair being played by protesters outside Downing Street’s gates, Sunak listed what he said were his achievements in government, not only as prime minister but also as a former finance minister.

“Now is the moment for Britain to choose its future and decide whether it wants to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one and no certainty,” he said.

“Over the next few weeks, I will fight for every vote, I will earn your trust and I will prove to you that only a Conservative government led by me will not put our hard earned economic stability at risk.”

He accused Labor leader Keir Starmer, conversely, of always taking the “easy way out” and of having no plan. “As a result, the future can only be uncertain with them,” he said.

Starmer, who has pulled Labor to the political center ground after it had veered leftwards, responded with a statement that focused on one word: “change”.

“On July 4 you (voters) have the choice and together we can stop the chaos, we can turn the page, we can start to rebuild Britain and change our country,” he said.

Sunak trailing

Sunak heads into the election not only trailing far behind Labor in the opinion polls but also somewhat isolated from some in his party, increasingly dependent on a small team of advisers to steer him through what is set to be an ugly campaign.

But he seems to have decided that, with some economic gains such as falling inflation and an economy growing at its fastest pace in almost three years, now is the time to take a risk and present his agenda for a new term formally to voters.

Several in his party said he might also have realized that legal challenges could jeopardize a flagship scheme to send illegal asylum seekers to Rwanda and that the government might not be able to deliver on any more tax cuts as promised.

Conservative lawmakers, speaking on condition of anonymity, said economic conditions may worsen, meaning the time was right for an election.

A former investment banker and finance minister, Sunak took office less than two years ago, and since then has struggled to define what he stands for, becoming increasingly frustrated that what he sees as his successes have failed to be appreciated.

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