Memorial Day speakers stress patriotism, service before self

JOHN BURNETT/Tribune-Herald Rows of decorated headstones of veterans and their spouses bore silent witness Monday during the Memorial Day ceremony at East Hawaii Veterans Cemetery No. 2.

JOHN BURNETT/Tribune-Herald Retired Army Col. Deb Lewis, an Iraq War veteran, addresses attendees of the Memorial Day ceremony Monday at East Hawaii Veterans Cemetery No. 2. Seated to the left is Jeno Enocencio, aka 'Commander Jeno,' an Army Vietnam War veteran and the ceremony's organizer.

Bob Dircks, retired Hilo High School principal and a U.S. Navy Vietnam War veteran, delivers the keynote address at the Memorial Day ceremony Monday at East Hawaii Veterans Cemetery No. 2. (JOHN BURNETT/Tribune-Herald)

Attendees of the Memorial Day ceremony Monday at East Hawaii Veterans Cemetery No. 2 stand at attention for a color guard of Hawaii National Guard Youth Challenge cadets. (JOHN BURNETT/Tribune-Herald)

Patriotism and service were overarching themes Monday during the Memorial Day commemoration at East Hawaii Veterans Cemetery No. 2.