WMS students trek for tech

Silent auction items include gift certificates from Mauna Kea Beach Hotel, Keck Observatory, KTA, numerous restaurants, Lehua Jewelers and others, as well as gift baskets from Foodland and Mala’ai Garden. (Photos by LANDRY FULLER/SPECIAL TO WEST HAWAII TODAY)

Waimea Middle School’s new principal, Janice English, sports red suede stilettos to participate in the Fun Run/Walk.

Participants in Fun Walk/Run line up in front of the STEAM building just before taking off Friday evening.

WAIMEA — A Fun Run/Walk, bingo game and silent auction were all part of Waimea Middle School’s “Trek 4 Tech” fundraiser on campus and around town Friday afternoon and evening. Nearly 200 students, their families and community members attended. The event supported the school’s 21st-century tech program.